
Within the Mastercard promotion, Armeconombank runs a contest until 31 March 2025, enabling the Mastercard cardholders to win valuable gifts.
All the Mastercard cardholders of the Bank, who will make noncash transaction worth at least AMD 50,000 within the specified period can take part in the contest. For every transaction with a total of AMD 50,000 , the cardholder will receive one individual participation code, which will increase the probability of winning, depending on the volume of transactions.
The following prizes will be raffled during the contest:
- 5 iPhone 16 Pro smartphones
- 7 AirPods 4 earphones
The winners of the contest will be chosen randomly from among the individual codes provided to cardholders and the results will be summarized via the Facebook page of the Bank until 30 April 2025 inclusive.The participants will be notified about all the details regarding the date and time of the contest to the cardholders' email address registered with the Bank, or in case of absence, to their phone number.
The individual codes of the participants being recognized as winners during the contest will be published on the official website of the Bank and Facebook page until 30 April 2025 inclusive.
During the promotion period, Mastercard cards can be acquired at a discounted price when ordered through AEB Mobile/Online system:
- Mastercard digital card free of charge, as well as 2% cashback in case of making international noncash purchases,
- Mastercard Standard AMD 1,000,
- Mastercard Gold AMD 7,500
And in case of submitting a card application in Bank’s branches or Head Office:
- Mastercard Standard - AMD 2,000,
- Mastercard Gold - AMD 10,000
Applicable restrictions and terms
- Card-to-card transfers, transfers from card to other account, utility payments(including telecommunication, TV, payments of internet services), replenishments of accounts, cards, electronic wallets, loan redemptions, fees for the services of state bodies, dues, penalties, tax payments imposed by law, contributions, other fees and operation/s/ carried out with the Bank's internal systems are not included in the calculation of non-cash transactions.
- In case of an impossibility to contact the winner within 10 days following the summary of the lottery or in case of withdrawal of the prize, the results of the draw will be deemed invalid for that cardholder.
The customers can get acquainted with the full terms and conditions of the contest and promotion via the provided link.
** Cashback is calculated on a monthly basis and is transferred to the appropriate card account of Mastercard cardholder each month until the 15th working day following the reporting period, moreover, in case of a preterm closure of the card by the cardholder during the reporting period, no cashback is paid for that month.
The maximum cashback amount makes AMD 10,000 for each month (including VAT).