Bank's mission, values, vision, rules of business ethics

Bank's mission, values, vision, rules of business ethics
ARMECONOMBANK OJSC aims to create necessary benefits for shareholders, customers, employees, and society.
ARMECONOMBANK OJSC views its basic mission from the angle of the following four goals:
- As a major player in RA Banking system (from community prospectives)
- As an attractive investment field (from shareholders prospectives)
- As a reliable and stable partner (from customers and partners prospectives)
- As a desirable employer (from employees prospectives).
1. The Bank sees its mission in development as an institution with flexible risk management system corresponding to international standards and advanced technologies, a law-abiding transparent entity which greatly contributes both to the stability of the banking sector and to the economic development of Armenia through its activities.
2. As an attractive investment field, the bank tends to increase the value (both book and market) of its shares alongside with its policy of paying dividends annually and further development of corporate governance values.
3. As a universal-type financial institution, in fulfillment of its obligations both to customers and to partners (local and foreign) on mutually beneficial terms using its wide network of branches to offer a full package of banking services parallel to its constant improvement and diversification in conformity with international standards.
4. As an employer, in having efficient personnel policy to improve its employees’ professional advancement and well-being based on their workload and abilities
ARMECONOMBANK OJSC aims to create necessary benefits for shareholders, customers, employees, and society.