Mobile Banking

AEB mobile banking

Download AEB Mobile Application

Manage your accounts anywhere
​Bank accounts 
Punct Account view 
PunctAccount opening
PunctAccount replenishment
PunctExecuting transfers from the account
PunctReceipt of account statements
PunctReceipt of POS statements/only for acting clients having a registered POS
PunctReceipt of a reference on the account
PunctSubmission of cash withdrawal application
Punct"EASY” transfers (stating the phone number or e-mail address of the recipient)(PE)
Punct Transfers between the customer's accounts 
Punct Currency exchange
PunctTransfers in the RA, between AMD (including budget) and foreign currency accounts
PunctTransfer to the card ( from bank and card account (card))
PunctInternational transfers 
PunctInternational transfers to the card /Visa Direct, Money Send/
PunctReceipt of money from countless payment systems to card(current) account via MyTransfer system(PE)
Punct AEB transfer(Countless transfer between the branches of the Bank) (PE) 
Gas (rent and service fee)
Water (Veolia Jur, Irrigation water fee/ membership fee)
Phone ( Team mobile/urban, Ucom, Vivacell Kharabakh Telecom mobile/urban)
Internet (Team Hiline,Ucom,Rostelecom, Fnet, Fnet (new), Arpinet, Homenet, VirusNet)
PunctOther payments
Property tax (Currently and current year)
TP fines (according to the Decision number and License Plate and tech. passport)
Garbage disposal /Yerevan/
Car parking fine/fee
Door intercom/Stroy Master, Armatis, Fnet, Domisil/
Online payments (Onex, Draive, emex,, Globing, Onex Tax Free)
Payment cards
PunctCard account view
PunctOrdering a card or additional card
PunctReissue of the card
PunctBlocking/Unblocking of a card
PunctChange in encashment amount/quantity limits of a card
PunctCard account replenishment
PunctTransfers from a card account
PunctManaging SMS notifications of the card
PunctReceipt of card account statements
PunctReceipt of a reference on card account
PunctSubmitting an application on cash withdrawal from the card account
PunctView of card account balance in ArCa
PunctCard closure application
PunctReceipt a new PIN code /via ATM/
PunctChange of a PIN code
PunctReceipt of a CVV
Deposit accounts
PunctOpening of Deposit accounts
PunctReplenishment of deposit accounts
PunctReceipt of interests accrued on the deposit placed on deposit accounts
PunctWithdrawal of deposits placed on deposit accounts
PunctReceipt of statements on deposit accounts  
PunctChanging the account of receiving deposit interest
PunctRegular/principal repayments of a loan
PunctReceipt of information on loan
PunctReceipt of loan account statements
PunctDecrease in the credit line limit
PunctProvision of online loan(PE)
PunctProvision of a credit line via AEB Guru Digital cards (PE)
PunctProvision of a credit line via AEB Guru Travel cards (PE)
PunctRepayment of other AEB loan/with Loan code or Agreement number
PunctApplication for disbursement of funds from the credit line (LE)
Other operations 
PunctExecution of regular transfers
PunctCreation of groups for utility payments and transfers in RA
PunctReceipt of statements on pension accounts
PunctKeeping of samples, duplicate of documents
PunctApplication for signing a CMTPL contract
PunctAttachment of other bank card
Communication with the Bank 
Punct Sending letters, applications and offers to the Bank
Punct Receipt of answers, messages and notifications from the Bank
Punct Application-letter
Punct Contact with the bank
Terms and Tariffs
Tariffs of services provided through AEB Mobile/ AEB Online systems (Hereinafter System)1 Resident Non-resident and non RA citizen
1. Downloading and maintenance of AEB Mobile Application /PE/ Free of charge
2.Change of the system password Free of charge
3.Sending a new password via e-mail Free of charge
4. Unblocking the access to AEB Mobile / AEB Online system Free of charge
5. Transfer to the card*** tariffs here2  
6. Transactions with plastic cards2 preferential tariffs of services1  
6.1  Transfers from the card account to the benefit of the clients of RA banks5 Free of charge
6.2 Card blocking Free of charge
6.3 Unblocking of the card blocked by the system Free of charge
7. Transfers from bank accounts in USD and EUR to other banks in RA territory/preferential tariff/  0.1% minimum AMD 1000, maximum AMD 10000
7.1 Transfers from bank accounts in USD, EUR and RUB to other banks within Armenia /preferential tariff/ Free of charge
8. Opening AMD bank account for a customer who does not have a current AMD bank account when providing the AEB Mobile system /preferential tariff/ Free of charge
8.1 Opening current AMD bank account when registering as a customer with biometric identification using the AEB Mobile system /preferential tariff/ Free of charge
8.2 Opening of current bank accounts in AMD, USD, EUR and RUB for PE clients via AEB Mobile system /preferential tariff/ Free of charge
9. Credit lines with GURU and VISA GURU TRAVEL cards provided to individuals through the AEB Mobile / AEB Online system See in the Information Bulletin9
10. “Online loan” provided to physical entities through AEB Mobile / AEB Online systems See the Information Bulletin6
11. AEB Transfer/countless transfer /7 0.6% minimum AMD 200  
12. Service fee***
12.1 Access to AEB online System for LE/PE clients without security code4 AMD 1000 monthly AMD 2000 monthly
12.2 Access to the system upon LE/PE/PE client request with the security code, receipt of the code through the device3 Flat fee- AMD 10000 +1000 monthly Flat fee – AMD  30000 +2000 monthly
12.3 Access to the system upon LE/PE/PE client request with the security code, receipt of the code through an SMS message (without a device) 4 AMD 2000 monthly AMD 4000 monthly
12.4 Access to the system upon LE/PE/PE customer’s request with a security code, possibility to receive the code both through an SMS and device 3 and 4 Flat fee- AMD 10000 + AMD 2000 monthly Flat fee- AMD 30000 + AMD 4000 monthly
13. Fee for the receipt of the security code with each additional device (LE/PE) Flat fee- AMD 7500  Flat fee- AMD 20000 
14. Change of LE/PE/I Device in case of loss (damage) of the device* AMD  10000  Flat fee –AMD  30000 
15. Noncash transfers /payments/  in AMD by a legal entity/PE/notary client within Armenia and in the Bank system /preferential rate/ Free of change

* The tariff includes VAT.

**  In case of submitting an application for registration in AEB Mobile/AEB Online electronic systems of "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC, the opening of the above-mentioned account is set free of charge for customers not having a current bank AMD account.

*** Except for the amount cards envisaged for pension and other social payments

**** A single monthly fee is charged for servicing the LE, PE customers, regardless of the number of users.

1 Get acquainted with the Bank’s tariffs in " Information bulletins of TRANSFERS and Payment cards  and Card Account". All other tariffs are available without preferential terms.

2  To get acquainted with the full tariffs for the provision and service of plastic cards, please visit "Information Bulletin of Payment Cards and Card Account".

3 a/in case of providing the device/s/ to the client until the 25th of the reporting month, the fee is charged for one month during the same month, and in case of providing the device/s/ on 25th of the reporting month or later    -within the next month for a month                                      
b/in case of returning the device/s/ till the 5th working day of the reporting month no tariff is charged for the reporting month.

 4 a/ In case of signing the application submitted for the use of service till the 25th of the reporting month, the fee will be charged within the same month for a month. Should the aforementioned application be signed on 25th of the accounting month or later, the fee is charged for a month within the next month. b/ In case of refusal of the service till the 5th working day of the reporting month, the tariff  for the accounting month won’t be charged.

5 Except for  MasterCard ARMEC's GOLD, MasterCard ARMEC's STANDARD and VISA GURU/ VISA GURU TRAVEL cards. In accordance with "Information Bulletin of Payment Cards and Card Account".

6  To get acquainted with the tariffs of “Online Loan” provided through AEB Mobile / AEB Online systems, see the Information Bulletin.

7 "AEB TRANSFERS" internal fast money transfer system, which will enable transfers in AMD and USD, EUR, RUR foreign currencies in the network of branches of "HAECONOMBANK" OJSC, without submitting additional data and without charging encashment fee from the customer.

8 The tariffs of other payments as per the tariffs defined by Easy Pay

9 To get acquainted with the tariffs of "Online loan" provided to individuals via AEB Mobile/ AEB Online systems please see "Credit line via VISA GURU TRAVEL card "  subsection of the Information Bulletin of Providing Credit Lines to Individuals through Visa Guru and Visa Guru Travel cards

6.  Other  terms  and conditions 

  • The system allows 6 failed login attempts.
    In case of more than 5 unsuccessful login attempts the given user’s right to access the system will be temporarily blocked. Should the user enter the correct password 3 minutes later, the access is restored. In case of 6 unsuccessful login attempts the access will be blocked.
  • The Bank is eligible to block the user’s access in case of non-identification of the customer, as well as in the cases set forth by the general terms of the agreement on the provision of banking services signed with the Customer.
  • The customer is eligible to block the user’s access to the system or change users by applying to the Bank.
  • To carry out operations through the system, the fulfillment and compliance with the requirements defined by General Terms of the general agreement on the provision of banking services (if the agreement hasn’t been signed, the customer is required to sign it or from the moment of the registration in the system, the agreement existing at the Bank is deemed to be signed between the Bank and the customer), and General Terms and Tariffs, as well as the identification of the Customer are required.
  • Customer’s authentification in the system is the latter’s registration as a User, after which the customer is given user’s login and a temporary password, by the use of which the Customer is deemed to be identified.
  • After the Customer's identification, the performance of any action and/or operation/transaction allowed by the System is considered a transaction actually performed by the Customer and/or on his/her instructions, and the information generated in the system regarding it acquires legal force and significance equivalent to a written document transaction signed by the Customer.
  • If the User is not the Customer directly, then the User is considered an authorized representative of the Client with the role assigned to the latter in the registration application of the Customer and the operations executed by the latter are deemed to be executed by the Customer (the Customer can terminate this authority by notifying the Bank in written).
  • The Customer (user) shall keep the secrecy of its passwords, not disclose to the third parties, not to give an opportunity for them to become accessible to other persons and take all possible security measures, and in case of any leakage or similar risk, the customer must change the passwords in the system and contact the Bank to suspend the Customer’s identification by the use or application thereof.
  •  To verify the Customer's identification, the System may recommend additional security measures (sending a one-time password to the registered phone number through SMS and/or other measures), by the use of which the identification of the person entering the System and/or making transactions and the Customer will be deemed verified.
  • The bank undertakes to charge the Customer the commissions defined by the Bank’s Tariffs for executing operations with the System, as well as other fees related to the service of the System by the third parties (SMS fee and /or other).
  • The bulletin is provided free of charge in paper form at the Customer's request, and is also available at all locations of the Bank's activity (the head office of the Bank and branches).
  • The Client may get acquainted with other terms of usage of the system through the Internet website of the Bank.
  • The terms of the Bulletin may have amended after the date of publication of the bulletin,. Which the Client may clarify by contacting the Bank’s means of communication indicated in the Bulletin.

Terms and conditions:

1․ The list of necessary documents :

  1. Identification document 
  2. Application for the registration/service in Mobile Banking/Online Banking electronic system
  3. General Agreement on the rendering of banking services
  4. Notification on the terms and order of guaranteeing the recovery of the deposits placed with the Bank. 

   Depending on the various circumstances, additional documents and information may be required. (This is not included in the bulletin).  

2. The provision of the service is implemented by the Head Office and branches of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC .
4. On the purpose of due diligence of the customer envisaged by ra law on “Օn combating money laundering and terrorism financing”, the bank may request additional documents or other information from the consumer based on "Know your customer" principle, as well as ask the consumer additional questions during oral communication  (in case of necessity of such a requirement) .
5. In compliance with the agreement signed with USA, to find out if you are a usa tax payer, financial institutions may collect additional information about the agreements, contracts, cooperation, membership signed by financial institutions, which may have a direct  impact on the consumers (e.g. foreign account tax compliance act (fatca)) 

How to register in the application?
Customer’s registration in the system
Punct The customer registers in the system in an order set forth by this section.
PunctTo register in the system and be provided with the user’s details the customer submits an application to the Bank.
PunctTo use the system, the user selects AEB Online link from website (in case of   “Online Banking” system), downloads the “Mobile Banking” mobile application (in case of  “Mobile Banking” system.
PunctThe user’s e-mail address stated in the application shall be filled in on Login window opened through login link and in the password field a temporary password sent to e-mail address provided to the Bank is filled in (for LE/PE), afterwards by the completion of the user’s registration, the latter gets access to the services available for  the customers.
PunctAfter downloading “Mobile Banking” mobile application, a physical entity customer registers in the system by filling in mobile phone number and the email address mentioned in the application submitted to the Bank and by the completion of the user’s activation, that is, the administrator of the system identifies the customer and attaches the accounts to the user after which the user gets an access to the services to be provided to the customers.
PunctAfter receiving a temporary password from the Bank, the User should change it.
PunctCash account opening for bank customers free of charge
PunctMonetaryand foreign currency transfers within Armeconombank without commission
PunctOrder a Visa Digital card in a matter of minutes 
PunctGetting an online loan in a matter of minutes 
PunctEasy transfer without commission between the accounts of Armeconombank, specifying only the phone number or e-mail. mailing address
PunctReceiving transfers from abroad (MoneyGram, etc.) directly through the My Transfer service of a bank (card, current) account
Updated: 08/01/2025 17:28