Validity period
5 years
Provision of cards
Issuance of attached, additional cards
Card account opening
Free [5]
Service fee
AMD 10.000/anually [26]
Annual service fee of attached, additional card
AMD 10.000 [26]
Provision of account statement for transactions up to 1 month [9]
Provision of account statement for transactions made from 1 to 3 months
AMD 1500
Provision of account statement for transactions made from 3 months to 1 year
AMD 2500
Provision of account statement for transactions made more than 1 year
AMD 5000
Replacement of the card with a new one, in case of damage and loss of the PIN code of the card, provision of a new card in case of preterm reissue of the card
AMD 10.000
Cash disbursement in encashment points of "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC in AMD and foreign currency(Pos terminal), including through AEB Pay, Apple Pay or Google Pay payment tools [29]
Cash depositing through "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC ATMs (CASH-IN)
1% min AMD 500
Cash disbursement in encashment points of "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC in AMD and foreign currency(Pos terminal), including through AEB Pay, Apple Pay or Google Pay payment tools [29]
USD-1% min AMD 1000
EUR-1% min AMD 1000
RUR-1% min AMD 1000
USD-1% min AMD 1000
EUR-1% min AMD 1000
RUR-1% min AMD 1000
Cash depositing at encashment points belonging to other RA banks (ATM, POS terminal)
AMD-1% min AMD 1000
USD-1% min AMD 1000
EUR-1% min AMD 1000
RUR-1% min AMD 1000
USD-1% min AMD 1000
EUR-1% min AMD 1000
RUR-1% min AMD 1000
Cash depositing through ATMs belonging to other RA banks (CASH-IN)
Cash disbursement from "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC Cash register [42]
AMD-1% min AMD 1000
USD-1% min AMD 1000
EUR-1% min AMD 1000
RUB - 1% min AMD 1000
USD-1% min AMD 1000
EUR-1% min AMD 1000
RUB - 1% min AMD 1000
Cash despositing through ARMECONMBANK OJSC Cash register
RUB - 1,5%
RUB - 1,5%
Cash disbursement with VISA payment cards issued by foreign banks through POS terminals of "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC
AMD-2% min AMD 3000
USD-2% min AMD 3000
EUR-2% min AMD 3000
RUR-2% min AMD 3000
USD-2% min AMD 3000
EUR-2% min AMD 3000
RUR-2% min AMD 3000
Cash disbursement with VISA payment cards issued by other RA banks through POS terminals of "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC
AMD-1% min AMD 1000
USD-2% min AMD 3000
EUR-2% min AMD 3000
RUR-2% min AMD 3000
USD-2% min AMD 3000
EUR-2% min AMD 3000
RUR-2% min AMD 3000
Cash disbursement in abroad
2% min AMD 3000
Cash disbursement in abroad, as well as through ATMs of banks not being members of ArCa in RA
2% min AMD 3000
Performing non-cash transactions with a card
Removing a card from Stop List (*unblocking a blocked card with AEB Mobile application for all VISA type and currency cards-free of charge)
AMD 2000*
Number of cashout transactions per day
5 times
Increase in the number of encashment or total transactions per day
AMD 1000
Total maximum amount of encashment transactions allowed in one day
AMD 1,500.000
USD, EUR 3000
RUR 125.000
USD, EUR 3000
RUR 125.000
Total maximum amount of transactions allowed in one day
AMD 4,500.000
USD, EUR 9000
RUR 375.000
USD, EUR 9000
RUR 375.000
Increase in the limit of encashment or total transactions per day
AMD 1000
Increase in the limit and the number of encashment or total transactions for the entire period of validity of the card
0.1% of added limit, min AMD 5,000, AMD 5,000 in case of number
Transfer to another existing account of the same client at "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC
Card-to-card transfers to cards of the Bank [10]
Card-to-card transfers to cards of member banks of the Armenian Card system and non-member banks of the Armenian Card systems and to banking cards working with the Armenian Card system through H2H channel [10]
Transfers to international VISA cards from Bank cards through "AEB Mobile" and "AEB Online" systems via Visa Direct system from the Bank cards [32]
AMD 1.5%, minimum AMD 1 000
USD 2%, minimum AMD 1 000
EUR 2%, minimum AMD 1 000
USD 2%, minimum AMD 1 000
EUR 2%, minimum AMD 1 000
Transfers from card account in favor of other RA bank (*with AEB Mobile application-free of charge)
AMD 500*
USD.EUR The tariff provided for in point 3 of Section III of the Information Bulletin for account opening, maintenance and other services is applied.
USD.EUR The tariff provided for in point 3 of Section III of the Information Bulletin for account opening, maintenance and other services is applied.
Transfers in favor of other clients of "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC (*with AEB Mobile application-free of charge)
AMD 500*
Sending an SMS message [11]
AMD 20
Emergency issuance of cards(reissuance) [12]
AMD 5000
Installation of international STOP LIST [22]
AMD 9000 Weekly
Application for appeal of transactions made with card (including virtual) at service points through POS terminals (for AEB cardholders) if the amount under appeal exceeds AMD 7,000 [13]
AMD 5000
Application for appeal of transactions made at service points through POS terminals(also virtual) (for AEB cardholders) [13]
AMD 10,000
Acceptance of chargeback application of transactions made at AEB encashment and/or service points by the cardholders of other banks, if the amount under appeal does not exceed AMD 10.000
AMD 5000
Payment of electronic state non-cash payments, including payment for products sold at auctions of the CESA service at service points of member banks of the ArCa system
AMD 200
Replenishment of card account with Cash-in terminals located out of “ARMECONOMBANK” OJSC BRANCHES [14]
AMD 400
Replenishment of card account with Cash-in terminals located in “ARMECONOMBANK” OJSC BRANCHES [14]
Maximum amount of a single encashment transaction from "ARMECONOMBANK" OJSC ATMs
AMD 500,000
Commission fee from a transaction made with InecoPay system
AMD 200
Replacing the status of the card with a forced change of the PIN code
AMD 1000
Commission fee charged for making payments through PAYMENT.AEB.AM website [15]
Commission fees charged from signing a CMTL agreement through INSURANCE.AEB.AM website [16]
5 1) Non-resident legal entities,
2) non-resident individual entrepreneurs,
3) resident legal entities, whose participants (shareholders, equity holders) consist of more than 50 percent of individuals with identity documents from other countries (not of the Republic of Armenia) or non-residents are a legal person/persons,
4) for individual entrepreneurs registered in the Republic of Armenia, but with an identity document (not of the Republic of Armenia)- AMD 70,000.
9 Issuance of statements can be provided free of charge for transactions completed up to one month till the last banking day of the month inclusive.
10 Transactions (card-to-card transfers, obtaining codes for mobile phone prepaid cards, utility payments, viewing account statements, etc.) can be carried out via Internet (through website), if the client has previously submitted his/her e-mail address in writing to ARMECONOMBANK OJSC.
11 After each transaction made with the card, at the customer's request, ARMECONOMBANK OJSC sends an SMS message to the customer's mobile phone. In order to activate the mentioned service, the client informs ARMECONOMBANK OJSC in writing of his/her mobile phone number and the amount, in case of exceeding which he /she wants to receive an SMS message, and the minimum threshold for AMD cards is not less than AMD 200, USD 1 for USD cards , 1 EUR for Euro cards and 50 RF rubles for Russian Ruble cards.When making a transaction on the Internet, the client receives an SMS message containing the code of ArCa 3-D Secure, MasterCard Securecode, Verified by Visa systems to his mobile phone if the website is secured by ArCa 3-D Secure, MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa systems. Subscribers of RA mobile operators can use the USSD information and management system.
The Bank sends a free SMS message to the client's mobile phone about the receipt of the pension amount. In order to activate the mentioned service, the client informs ARMECONOMBANK OJSC in writing of his/her mobile phone number .
12 If the client applied to the bank before 14:00 of the given day, the card can be issued on the same day till 18:00, if applied after 14:00 till 18:00 of the next day.This point applies to only Yerevan branches of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC.
13 The tariff is applied in case if it turns out that the transaction has been made by the client as a result of appeals process or as a result of the client violating the rules of using the card or by such consequences, in case of which the groundlessness of the appeal application is justified (proved).
14 The minimum limit for transactions carried out with Cash-In terminals outside the Branch of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC is AMD 100, the maximum is AMD 100,000. The minimum limit for transactions performed with the CashIn terminals located in the branch of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC is AMD 100, the maximum - AMD 200,000.
15 1) In the case of cards issued by other RA banks providing certification through the Arca system, except for cards issued by VTB Armenia Bank CJSC, the commission fee of the executed transaction is 0.9%; 2) In the case of MasterCard, Visa cards issued by banks that do not provide certification through the Arca system, the commission fee for payment card transactions is 2.5%.
16 1) In case of cards issued by other RA banks providing certification through the Arca system, the commission fee is 0.9%; 2) In case of MasterCard, Visa type cards issued by banks not providing certification through the Arca system, the commission fee is 2.1%.
22 The present tariff is applied when transactions with lower limits are made with lost cards of the clients
26 For clients having cooperation agreement with the Bank for POS and/or vPos terminals, the VISA Business card type(including attached cards) are provided with 50% discount condition on annual service fee. The setting does not apply to cards provided within the offers by the Bank.
29 If the payment card has been provided within the framework of the salary project (in AMD) with the aim of receiving a salary, then in case of then in case of cashing up to AMD 1,000,000 per day from the given card, the withdrawal tariff is set at 0%, and for the amount exceeding AMD 1,000,000 per day - 0.5%.
32 The below-mentioned restrictions are applied in VISA Direct transfer system
- Maximum limit of one transfer-AMD 500 000, USD 1000, EUR 1000,
- Maximum daily limit of transactions per customer-4
- Maximum daily amount of transactions per customer AMD 1 000 000, USD 2 000, EUR 2 000.
You can get acquainted with the list of countries, where it is possible to transfer amount to cards of VISA payment system thanks to Visa Direct system at the following link
42 When submitting an application for account closure, in case the account balance is less than AMD 1000 or equivalent foreign currency, the amount of charged commission is set without applying the minimum amount requirement.
***Visa card benefits can be found by following link
• The card is issued upon the submission of the required documents by the Client to the Bank and is provided to the Customer within maximum 5 working days.
• Transactions in a currency different from that of the currency of the card account are calculated in the rates defined by the Bank for the sale and purchase of the appropriate currency as of the date of the transaction, due to which the Bank shall not bear any responsibility for the differences in the transaction amount.
• Interests accrued on the balances of the cards are capitalized monthly.
• Interests are accrued daily on the balances of the cards, as well as on the added amount balance, and on the capitalized amounts
• The Bank is entitled to amend the size of interests paid for the monetary funds available on the card account, unless otherwise defined by the Agreement.
• There is no limit in the minimum initial amount for card opening.
• Interest paid against card accounts is subject to taxation with income tax under tax legislation of RA.
• In case of contract disputes the depositor shall apply to the Bank in written form and will receive the reply to such request within 10 Business days. In case of disagreement with reply, the depositor has the right to apply to the court or to the Financial System Mediator.
• To open a card account, the customer shall submit the below mentioned documents to the Bank:
- Identification document,
- Document containing public services number or reference about not-receiving public services number,
• On the purpose of due diligence of the customer envisaged by RA law on “On Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing”, the bank may request additional documents or other information from the consumer based on <> principle, as well as ask the consumer additional questions during oral communication.
• In compliance with the agreement signed with USA, to find out if you are a USA tax payer, financial institutions may collect additional information about the agreements, contracts, cooperation, membership signed by financial institutions, which may have a direct impact on the consumers (e.g. foreign account tax compliance act (FATCA))
• With periodicity of at least 30 days the Bank provides the customer with the account statement, except the cases when no debiting or crediting to such account occurs within the reporting period.
• Should the negotiations fail to settle the disputes and disagreements between the Bank and the customer, the latter can apply to the court or the Financial System Mediator.
• The customer's right to manage the account and monetary funds available on it may be limited in the cases prescribed by the law - court decision, ban on the account based on the decision (hard copy or electronically) of the tax or other authorities of Compulsory Enforcement Service.
• Cash facilities available on the account may be written off without the customers consent in the cases prescribed by the law- court decision, based on the decision (hard copy or electronically) of the authorities of Compulsory Enforcement Service or in the cases stipulated by the Agreement signed by and between the Bank and the customer.
• Deposits are guaranteed pursuant to the Armenian Law on Guaranteeing the Recovery of Deposits of Individuals. Deposits are guaranteed as follows:.
-In case of deposits in Armenian drams, the deposit is guaranteed for AMD 16 mln.
-In case of deposits in foreign currency, the deposit is guaranteed for AMD 7.0 mln
-In case of deposits both in Armenian drams and in foreign currency: if AMD deposit exceeds AMD 7.0 mln, only the AMD deposit is guaranteed for AMD 16 mln
-In case of deposits both in Armenian drams and in foreign currency: if AMD deposit is smaller than AMD 7.0 mln, the AMD deposit is guaranteed in full and the foreign currency and the foreign currency is guaranteed for the balance of AMD 7.0 mln and recovered AMD deposit