General information
- The ATM of vPOS service is a facility of accepting online payments in electronic systems installed on website and/or mobile application.
- To register the vPOS service terminal it is necessary to submit an application of registering the virtual terminal on the behalf of the company director providing the URL address (domain) of the website/application to the Bank, real IP address, account number. In case of an absence of dram account in the Bank the Bank opens a bank account in AMD free of charge for vPOS terminals.
The address must be with https:// be https://, the site registration (domain) must be in Armenia, and the service payment procedure, the scope of responsibility, the application-complaint procedure or all of them must be necessarily reflected in the website/application(Policy, Terms & Conditions).
- The bank provides the client with test (TEST) data of integrating the vPOS terminal, only after the integration of which provides the data of real (REAL) environment in case of the written confirmation of the latter
- All the electronic correspondence including test and real data are accepted and sent from the e-mail address specified by the customer in the application, and in case of the change of the latter an application regarding their change is submitted by the director of the company.
- The terminals of vPOS service are registered by the Bank for implementing the transactions of ArCa 3D Secure, MasterCard Securecode, Visa Secure systems with 3D Secure authentication. In the event that the customer does not want the transactions of his/her website/application to be carried out with 3D Secure authentication, then he/she submits an application to provide the amount charged to the account within 3 working days in case of a chargeback request in the future, if there is no corresponding amount in the account of the vPOS terminal.
- The process of activating the service of vPOS terminal usually lasts up to 5(five) working days, but it is possible to activate the mentioned service in shorter terms, which is subject to discussion between the trade and service point and the Bank.
- The tariffs of commissions charged for cashless transactions through vPOS terminal by the Bank are set on contractual basis according to service points
No fee is defined by the Bank for activating or servicing the vPOS service.
- The bank serves the cards of the following payment systems:
- Armenian Card (ArCa)
- Visa International
- Europay, MasterCard
- In case of not ensuring minimum AMD 1,000,000 of the total amount of turnover implemented through vPOS terminal in a continuous period of 180 days or more the Bank has a right to unilaterally terminate the servicing of vPOS terminal.
You can get acquainted with the guidebook of servicing the payment cards of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC here.
You can get acquainted with the information bulletin of POS terminals of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC here.
You can get familiar with the tariffs existing in the Bank here .