General Information

Armeconombank offers 3 ways of accepting payments to businesses:

      1. POS terminal

Traditional payment terminal, allowing to make cashless payments on spot.
To get acquainted with the details of POS service and to leave an application please go to the link.

      2. vPOS terminal

Payment tool, through which it is possible to accept online payments on the website or app.
To get acquainted with the details of vPOS service and to leave an application please go to the link.

      3. AEB Mobile POS terminal

Payment terminal, which will enable to accept non-cash payments via phone.
To get acquainted with the details of vPOS service and to leave an application please go to the link.


You can get acquainted with the information bulletin of POS terminals of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC here.
You can get familiar with the guidebook of servicing the cards of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC here

Updated:31/07/2024 12:05